Wednesday, July 26, 2006

A new house..a new life

It has been just over three months since my last post, big chunk of the time was packing, moving, repacking and settling in the new environment that is P. I used to wake up staring at KLCC before...not to mention the sound of cars choking the highway! Now, it's waking up to sounds of chirping birds, gentle and welcoming breeze and the uplifting smell of fresh air. Aaaahhh! I thank the Almighty for this abode, this rezeki.

Adam loves the new house; he can go outside everyday! Since he learned how to ride a bike a month ago, he's out there almost every evening when Z comes home. Oh ya..then there is the taska i.e nursery, he goes there half day till noon so I can relax a bit. That wee bit of time-off really helps, I realised how we both have to adapt to this soon if I were to return to work.

Z is also benefitting from this new environment tremendously. The journey to work is more than halved, more time to play with Adam in the evenings. He's into DIY things, and I thought my hubby can only work wonders with electricals and computers *sheesh...sorry* Even our car gets the occasional shower by its owner now...bliss for everyone and everything yay!

Moi, I have yet to bake any cookies or cakes in the oven...hubby is watching this least I've got the recipes for "The best Choc Chip Cookie" or " Yummy Carrot Cake You'll Ever Have" from heheh! Slowly but surely...

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